Social Profile Search and Data Enrichment
People usually stop their efforts to find or verify information at Googling a name. This isn’t exactly the way how to find any valid or accurate data, since most of these searches end up with acquiring no information at all. This article shows how to seriously go about searching for people online by using just a social profile and how exactly it could be helpful for businesses.
Searching Social Networks
After a quick Google search, social networking websites should be considered as rich resources to find or verify information. Social networks are fairly global and disclose more personal details than any other place in the Internet. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn as well as many other social networking platforms are all worth digging into, since they could provide information that you are looking for.
Social network searches may be limited, and in each case there are little tweaks you can make to extend and improve your searches. On the Facebook search results page, it is possible to use filters to narrow down results based on place or time, and you might find people by their posts on Facebook. These filters will not help you if you don’t know if the person you’re looking for hasn’t posted anything recently. Luckily, CatchID provide an enhanced Facebook Search solution that helps you to use filters and settings from general information like age, gender, or interests, to specific details like group activity, education, work, etc.
Some people may use a fake or modified name on social media platforms and it might complicate your online searches. But a modified or fake name isn’t a problem with a right tool, since people are using their real email address and their real phone number. CatchID provides a reliable Social Profile Search tool that helps acquiring email addresses and phone numbers by using just a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or other social media profile. With just a couple of clicks on CatchID Profile Search interface, you can instantly discover email addresses, phone numbers, education, work and other data that you are eager to get. CatchID also makes sure that information you receive by using the Social Profile Search tool is always accurate and up-to-date.
Customer data enrichment
Social media websites play important role today. According to a report from experts, social media advertising budgets in the US have doubled over the past three years from $10 billion in 2015 to $19 billion in 2018. These advertising budgets are expected to grow even more in 2021. Aside from online advertising social media platforms could be used for data enrichment.
Customer data enrichment involves adding more data about a person that engages in a product or a service. Data enrichment can be used to:
- Qualify and score leads
- Personalize content & messaging
- Create signals of “fit” for sales
- Cleanse customer data
CatchID helps fulfill each of these data enrichment tasks. Social Profile Search tool on CatchID website allows you to enhance, refine or otherwise improve raw information by using just a social media profile. This tool allows you to uncover details about your customers, including:
- General information: age, gender, location, etc.
- Emails, including corporate or personal addresses
- Phone numbers
- Other social media profiles
- Job title, company name, and other company information
- Education, work experience and much more
By using this information you can enhance you advertising campaign and start your email marketing or cold calling. CatchID also allows you to check multiple social accounts and create custom audiences or lookalike audiences on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn websites. Therefore, Profile Search on CatchID website helps personalize your marketing, boost sales and improve your business.
CatchID is more than just a Social Profile Search tool. When you create an account on CatchID platform, you get instant access to the entire platform of services.
- Cross/Same-platform Profile Search - engage a cross social media platform search and discover every profile registered by a specific user. It is also possible to find other social accounts on the same platform. This includes accounts from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.
- Social Profile and Email Search - turn social profiles into email addresses and engage in different type of marketing. You can also convert emails into social profiles to enrich data and personalize your marketing.
- Social Profile Search and Work/Experience - find education and work-related data by using a social profile link. This includes schools, universities, job experience, job titles, company names, etc.
- Social Profile and Phone Lookup - find phone numbers of any person behind a social media profile address. CatchID also allows finding all social network accounts by using a phone number.
CatchID greatly facilitates the social profile searches and enables a whole spectrum of advantages that fundamentally improves marketing campaigns and businesses. With hundreds of millions of real time public data from thousands of online sources, you know you are getting the most accurate and rich information across the Web.